Greener and Cleaner: Building a Better Snowmobile
Why This Project Is Important
Designing for the environment is one of the most important factors when engineering any new vehicle—trucks, motorcycles, off-road vehicles (and snowmobiles) included. Noise and gaseous emissions are regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency, all while consumers require increasing levels of fuel efficiency. This project requires future engineers to creatively meet these demands—balancing environmental concerns with efficiency optimization.
Project Description
The Clean Snowmobile Challenge (CSC)—held annually on Michigan Technological University's campus—is a competition-based educational program with a goal of exposing young students from engineering, business, and marketing curriculum to a complex design project. In addition to learning the environmental concerns that vehicle manufacturers must use as design constraints, the project requires organization, planning, and marketing skills to complete successfully. Teams complete technical papers describing new ways to improve snowmobile noise and emissions levels. To date, more than 3,000 students have participated, and 50 papers have been written—with the snowmobile industry taking notice and producing better designs. Many now-commonplace snowmobile technologies were introduced at CSC events. This is the only green snowmobile competition that provides a real-world, hands-on vehicle platform to display participant ideas and solutions. Your donations will help us establish awards for categories such as:
- lowest noise;
- lowest gaseous emissions;
- innovation;
- best design;
- sportsmanship;
- safety; or
- fuel economy.
The 2020 Clean Snowmobile Challenge will be held March 9-14, 2020.
Meet the Researcher

Jay Meldrum
Jay S. Meldrum is the Executive Director of the Michigan Tech Traverse City Research Center. Jay was appointed as Michigan Tech’s point of contact and official liaison to northern lower Michigan’s Grand Traverse area to help expand the developing regional relationship. Meldrum's current research is in Electrification of Vehicle including Electric Boats and Snowmobiles. Prior to being the Executive Director of the Michigan Tech Traverse City Research Center, Jay was the Executive Director of Michigan Tech's Keweenaw Research Center (KRC) and Executive Director of Sustainability for the Michigan Tech. Meldrum is an active member of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and has served on several committees and boards including the The Board of Directors (2014-2016). Meldrum was also the lead organizer for the SAE Clean Snowmobile Challenge, a Collegiate Design Series Competition that promotes the redesign of snowmobiles for lower emissions, lower noise output, and better fuel economy.
Jay earned a MS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from General Motors Institute (now Kettering University).
days left
What Your Donation Can Help Us Do:
- Award Clean Snowmobile Challenge participants for their hard work
- Create new award categories
$1 1 Funder
Receipt acknowledging tax-deductible status of your donation.
$50 0 Funders
The above, plus a Clean Snowmobile Challenge (CSC) commemorative glass coffee mug.
$100 2 Funders
All of the above, plus a CSC commemorative hat.
$250 4 Funders
All of the above, plus a CSC commemorative vest or jacket.
$500 0 Funders
All of the above, plus two tickets to the CSC awards banquet (March 14, 2020).
$700 1 Funder
All of the above, plus four tickets to the CSC awards banquet (March 14, 2020).
$1,000 16 Funders
All of the above, plus a commemorative framed picture of the winning team.
$2,500 4 Funders
All of the above, plus the ability to name a special award for the competition.
Recent Donors
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