Development of a Free Psychological Testing Battery Platform
Why This Project Is Important
Currently, psychological testing is dominated by expensive proprietary tests that have for the most part been developed using public research money. The licensing costs associated with testing makes access difficult or expensive in many contexts and prevents access to useful testing in many other contexts where funding is limited (schools, prisons, university research) or unavailable (underdeveloped and developing countries). Improving accessibility of high-quality psychological tests to these usage communities will have a substantial impact on the quality of both new research and current mental health care.
Project Description
The PEBL Test battery (, whose testing and development is lead by Dr. Mueller in the Michigan Technological University Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences, has a mission to bring a high-quality and validated set of computerized psychological tests to clinicians and researchers around the world.
Its open source test battery currently consists of approximately 100 psychological tests, and has been used in over 100 published research papers, and is used by researchers and clinicians around the world. Funding this project will help to translate the current version to mobile computing platforms, as well as support the further development and norming of new psychological tests.
This project is intended to help support further development of the PEBL system, including:
- Easy methods for translating tests to other languages
- Improving PEBL infrastructure to enable better distributed data management and sharing
- Development of a PEBL Experiment Generator tool
- Collection of normative data sets to enable use in diagnostic contexts.
- Development of additional training material and workshops to help new users.
Note: Password Information - The response system is not automated. I will get notified when a donation is made, and then I will send an email containing passcode and other information. I usually respond as soon as I see the notification email, although responses can at times be delayed I am not available. If you have not received a response within 48 hours, please contact shanem at mtu dot edu.
Meet the Researcher

Shane Mueller
Assoc. Professor in Applied Cognitive Science, Cognitive Modeling, and Human Factors at Michigan Technological University. Studies Memory, Decision making, and knowledge representation. Developer of PEBL, the Psychology Experiment Building Language. ORCID
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What Your Donation Can Help Us Do:
- Support Michigan Tech students and staff to develop, test, document, and distribute the PEBL software.
- Help build infrastructure to better allow members of the PEBL community to help improve PEBL via distributed norm collection, translations, and community outreach.
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