
AutoHome -- Smart Solution for Smarter Living

Institution: Michigan Technological University
Funders (1)
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Project Description 

AutoHome started as a project of two friends when we tried to design a home automation solution during summer vacation. Our main motto was to design a system that could integrate with smart and traditional devices. The main problem we found with current home automation solutions is that they are platform-dependent and they cannot integrate with traditional devices. So, what can we do? It is not practical to buy a new refrigerator just to be able to control it through cell phone. Hence, we decided to design our own system that could integrate with any devices seamlessly and is also platform-independent. The child of that thought is AutoHome, a smart router with a mobile app. We are currently working on incorporating different features and improve web app integration.

Meet the Researchers

Ranit Karmakar

Doctoral Student | Computer Engineering

Lisa Casper

Innovation Center for Entrepreneurship Program Manager, Michigan Technological University
Master of Business Administration, University of Oregon
Bachelor of Science Aeronautical Science, Embry-Riddle Aeronauitical University

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of $5,000 fund goal
The average donation for this project is $10
days left
Funding is Closed

What Your Donation Can Help Us Do: 

  • Design and test a new automation solution for homes
  • Develop a prototype
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Gifts to projects listed on SUPERIORIDEAS.ORG are received and processed by Michigan Tech Fund. Michigan Tech Fund is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code acting on behalf of Michigan Technological University. It is the policy of Michigan Tech Fund that a portion of the gifts and/or income therefrom may be used to defray the costs of raising and administering the funds.