Education and Safety Projects in Tanzania 2018
Why This Project Is Important
The Global Leadership Pathway is a component of the Pavlis Honors College which serves to support highly motivated Michigan Tech students as they achieve the highest standards of academic excellence through programs in leadership, innovation, research and service. The Global Leadership students have been traveling to Tanzania for the last three years with various projects across a number of fields. Each team is mentored by the previous team to make sure projects are sustainable, realistic and wanted which creates a culture of constant improvement. We will be practicing our leadership and project development skills through an intensive and life altering cultural immersion in Tanzania where we hope to make a positive impact across the nation with our projects.
Project Description
Education: We will be teaching the local children in a variety of subjects, mainly STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). We plan on doing fun and interactive activities to teach concepts and get students excited about learning.
Safety: Many science labs in the schools we will be working in are lacking in basic safety equipment. We plan on bringing basic safety equipment such as safety goggles and gloves. We also hope to diagnose and fix broken fume hoods.
Water: The schools in Tanzania we will be working with have access to water but not necessarily clean drinking water. We hope to create a water filtration device to be implemented in one of the schools we will be working with. This device would be a biochar water filter that would eliminate both large and small particles that could be unsafe to drink. This system would also would close off the water to the environment.
Technology: Raspberry Pi's are small portable computers that can be used to teach many things including programming, graphic design, networking and collaborative project work. We will be bringing Raspberry Pi’s to Tanzania to install in the schools we will be working in. We will also be teaching teachers and students about how to use computers and safe computer usage.
Meet the Researchers

days left
What Your Donation Can Help Us Do:
- All donations will go directly toward implementing our projects (purchasing supplies/materials) in Tanzania.
$5 (0/500)
Personal thank you note
$10 (3/500)
Project update during travel (via email)
$100 (1/250)
Postcard from Tanzania
$500 (0/50)
Cultural souvenir from Tanzania
Recent Donors
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