Jason Blough's Profile

- Member for:
11 years 11 months - Institution:
Michigan Technological University
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Jason's research projects
Currently, the two trucks and enclosed trailers have room for improvements in function and safety. After several years of wear and tear, the trailer non-slip floor covering needs replacement. Other identified areas for improvement include corrosion and leak repair on the older pickup truck, trailer imaging/wrap replacements, lighting, maintenance, and safety inspections.
Currently, our two enclosed trailers have room for improvements in function and safety. We currently have one older generator that has to be shared between four teams, and this creates a problem when two teams have overlapping events. After several years of normal wear and tear, the non-slip floor covering needs replacement.
AMS Enterprise teams provide a rich multidisciplinary, multiyear educational and research experience for nearly 150 students each year. Many students select Michigan Tech over other schools for the AMS/Enterprise program and for the opportunities to engage in team-based, experiential learning.