John Soyring's Profile

- Member for:
11 years 11 months - Institution:
None or Other
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Projects that John has supported
Power independence at Beaver Island is very important because they are far from the main land and do not generate their own power. The Beaver Island community is focused on sustainability and reducing their carbon footprint so our goal is to give them an analysis on how they can use solar energy to help create power independence.
The Alternative Energy Enterprise at Michigan Tech will retrofit an existing, older home into an energy efficient residence, incorporating renewable energy generation. The goal is to set up a Sustainable Demonstration House to serve as a resource for the broader community to learn about, test and experience energy efficient/low carbon living.
Stratus is a satellite mission being developed by students of the Michigan Tech Aerospace Enterprise. The satellite has a manifested launch through the NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI). The build schedule has been delayed due to issues encountered during hardware assembly. The program is now seeking to replace malfunctioning hardware such that the spacecraft will fly in an operable state.
Sleep disorders affect nearly one in three adults. Since chronic sleep deprivation leads to cardiovascular disease—the number one killer in the United States for almost 100 years—this is a critical health issue. We will investigate sleep disorders in great depth to better understand the connection between sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease.
This project will improve the sustainability of the ship-recycling industry in Bangladesh, where millions of tons of metal are recovered from hundreds of beached container ships, oil tankers, and cruise liners annually. We will investigate how recycled metal flows through the metal smith community in Dhaka, and identify improvements that reduce environmental impacts and maintain social networks.
The Sustainable Demonstration House serves as a resource for students and the broader community to learn about, test, and experience energy efficient/low carbon/net zero waste living. Its about practicing sustainability in our daily lives and building community in the process.
Lake Superior is home to an at-risk form of migratory brook trout (called coasters), some of which spawn in local rivers. These fish were once common throughout the lake, but there is now only one verified breeding population of coasters along the south shore. These fishes’ primary spawning sites are being filled in by sedimentation, but we hope to save the habitat—and boost the population to healthy levels.
Lake Superior is home to an at-risk form of migratory brook trout (called coasters), some of which spawn in local rivers. These fish were once common throughout the lake, but there is now only one verified breeding population of coasters along the south shore. These fishes’ primary spawning sites are being filled in by sedimentation, but we hope to save the habitat—and boost the population to healthy levels.
Nic Walli and Lexi Steve will be going to Lima, Peru to volunteer and scout out projects for the future. Potential projects would be teaching design, learning from others, incorporating teamwork activities, being empowered, and empowering others to make a change.
Lake Superior is home to an at-risk form of migratory brook trout (called coasters), some of which spawn in local rivers. These fish were once common throughout the lake, but there is now only one verified breeding population of coasters along the south shore. These fishes’ primary spawning sites are being filled in by sedimentation, but we hope to save the habitat—and boost the population to healthy levels.