Pattrick Loew's Profile

- Member for:
10 years 9 months - Institution:
Michigan Technological University - Website:
I have privilege to be the Supermileage Systems Enterprise CEO in this exciting time.I will be graduating in Spring 2015.
Pattrick's research projects
MTU's Supermileage System Enterprise team is pursuing fuel economy challenges by developing vehicles that push efficiency to the extreme. Our team is striving to explore the benefits of using battery electric technology with the use of advanced, lightweight composite materials, advanced motor controls and extreme designs to reduce drag similar to our High Efficiency Vehicle.
Due to increasingly strict fuel standards and the need to reduce the United States’ dependency on oil, the auto industry must develop new methods for increasing fuel mileage in their fleets.Michigan Technological University's Supermileage team is rising to the challenge by developing vehicles that push efficiency to the extreme. Imagine traveling from New York to Miami in a little over one gallon of gasoline.
Projects that Pattrick has supported
MTU's Supermileage System Enterprise team is pursuing fuel economy challenges by developing vehicles that push efficiency to the extreme. Our team is striving to explore the benefits of using battery electric technology with the use of advanced, lightweight composite materials, advanced motor controls and extreme designs to reduce drag similar to our High Efficiency Vehicle.