Mayra Sanchez Gonzalez's Profile
- Member for:
9 years 4 months - Institution:
Michigan Technological University
Mayra Ofelia Sanchez Gonzalez completed her BS and MS degrees in Social Anthropology in Yucatan, Mexico. In her studies, she investigated how children develop their gender identity in rural areas. Additionally, she worked for the Mexican Government Minister of Social Development and in a local NGO that partnered with UNICEF developing projects to promote indigenous children's rights. Currently, she is a PHD candidate in Environmental and Energy Policy at Michigan Technological University. She is developing her dissertation on ecotourism, community development and women empowerment in Quintana Roo, Mexico. Inspired by growing up in an area dominated by tourism, Sanchez Gonzalez wants to create more environmentally and socially friendly tourism projects and policies that benefit local communities. With community goals in mind, she is involved in academic and social student organizations where she promotes equity, diversity awareness and sustainability on campus.
Mayra's research projects
Ecotourism could be a tool to promote women’s empowerment. Especially with its attention to social justice, encouragement, promoting participation and empowerment of local people, including women. However, little attention is currently devoted to women’s participation in ecotourism. The purpose of this research is to understand the processes through which ecotourism empowers or disempowers women.