Melissa Davis's Profile
- Member for:
9 years 3 months - Institution:
Michigan Technological University - Website:
It was a great day when HEET's Hiring Committee selected me as Energy Manager for the Team's 2-year bid for the Georgetown University Energy Prize. The dedication that HEET's nine coordinators (all volunteering!) are showing is phenomenal. They have been at this for nearly two years because they know that energy efficiency is the most responsible first handle to grasp when working with energy issues and systems. The most exciting part about it for me is that the outcomes are all win-win! Homeowners are warmer & save money; volunteers learn *very* handy skills; and the energy we use becomes more effectively channeled. New Power Tour, Inc. is the legal nonproft sponsor of this project. OVer the past year, NPT has raised ~$11,000 towards our aggressive goal for materials in HEET's 2016 Winterization Blitz. In the last five years, we have winterized over 60 houses in the area, and we are excited about the opportunity to make a significant dent in Houghton County's 2016 residential and municipal electricity and natural gas aggregated consumption pattern. We have tested, refined and distilled our delivery model into straightforward 9-Point Winterization Protocol. Look for it around the area's hardware stores when you're out visiting Ace, Swift's and Festival Foods Hardware stores in 2016! If you'd like keep updated on a regular basis, don't hesitate to visit and subscribe to our mailing list, located on the right-hand side of the web page.
Melissa's research projects
The Houghton Energy Efficiency Team is gearing up for a huge home weatherization campaign to help low-income residents of Houghton County save energy and money. We have a large team of willing volunteers - now all we need is money for supplies to seal and insulate 150 homes, and your help will make this local project a success!