
Zhanhui Zhang's Profile

  • Member for:
    7 years 4 months
  • Institution:
    None or Other


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Projects that Zhanhui has supported

Genetic Improvement of Blueberries: Phase I

Do you prefer larger, more flavorful blueberries? Our project is focused on identifying fruit microRNAs to improve the size and taste of blueberries. The yield of blueberries is related to their size, and while wild blueberries taste better than cultivars, their yield is much lower. We aim to find a way to combine the high yield of cultivars with the superior flavor of wild blueberries.

Improving wild and cultivar blueberries to fight diabetes and cancers (改良野生和栽培蓝莓品种对抗糖尿病和癌症)

用蓝莓对抗糖尿病和癌症:This project aims to improve the health of people, the education of Michigan Tech students, the research capability of Michigan Tech faculty, and the extension of growing better blueberries for the economical growth of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Our goal is to establish a blueberry experimental station and provide better, free, wild, and cultivar blueberry plants to local residents.

Genetic Improvement of Blueberries: Phase I

Do you prefer larger, more flavorful blueberries? Our project is focused on identifying fruit microRNAs to improve the size and taste of blueberries. The yield of blueberries is related to their size, and while wild blueberries taste better than cultivars, their yield is much lower. We aim to find a way to combine the high yield of cultivars with the superior flavor of wild blueberries.

Gifts to projects listed on SUPERIORIDEAS.ORG are received and processed by Michigan Tech Fund. Michigan Tech Fund is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code acting on behalf of Michigan Technological University. It is the policy of Michigan Tech Fund that a portion of the gifts and/or income therefrom may be used to defray the costs of raising and administering the funds.