L. Brad King's Profile

- Member for:
3 years 3 months - Institution:
Michigan Technological University - Website:
Dr. King is an experimentalist interested in studying electric space propulsion systems, including Hall-effect thrusters, ion engines, and arcjets. By utilizing strong electromagnetic forces to accelerate an ionized plasma propellant, electric thrusters take advantage of on-orbit solar power generation to enjoy significant fuel savings over traditional chemical rockets. King's research experience in the broader field of plasma physics includes such diverse subjects as the design of the in-situ electrostatic probes, ion-energy analysis and time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Doppler laser cooling of trapped ions, optical flow diagnostics, and antimatter confinement.
L. Brad's research projects
Stratus is a satellite mission being developed by students of the Michigan Tech Aerospace Enterprise. The satellite has a manifested launch through the NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative (CSLI). The build schedule has been delayed due to issues encountered during hardware assembly. The program is now seeking to replace malfunctioning hardware such that the spacecraft will fly in an operable state.