
Adrienne Minerick's Profile

  • Member for:
    12 years 2 weeks
  • Institution:
    Michigan Technological University


Adrienne R. Minerick joined the faculty at Michigan Tech as an associate professor in 2009. She was previously an associate professor and assistant professor at Mississippi State University.
Minerick's primary area of research is electrokinetics with a focus on medical microdevices, blood cell dynamics, and point of care diagnostics. Her group's primary area of specialty is dielectrophoresis which utilizes nonuniform AC fields to manipulate polarizable cells and other dielectric biomaterials.
She has received numerous honors and awards, including the National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2007, the Raymond W. Fahien Award, Chemical Engineering Division, American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) in 2011 New Investigator Research Award from Sigma Xi Chapter in 2009 and one from ASEE-SE in 2008. She has earned 4 best paper awards and was the recipient of the Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Award, Oak Ridge Associated Universities in 2004. She has published two book chapters,more than 20 publications, and more than 40 technical papers or conference proceedings papers.
Minerick currently serves as the President of the American Electrophoresis Society ( She also serves on the Board of the Women in Engineering Division of the American Society of Engineering Education, is the newsletter editor for the Chemical Engineering division and previously had leadership roles in the New Engineering Educators Division. She is also a member of the Biotechnology Research Center at Michigan Tech.

Adrienne's research projects

Baby Tears: Assessing Nutrition in Infants

Imagine if we could recognize nutritional deficiencies in infants and children before they cause serious medical damage. With only a single teardrop, we think it is possible to detect someone's vitamin levels in the same way blood plasma tests currently do, but through a quick—and completely painless—process.

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