Ryan Grady's Profile

- Member for:
10 years 4 months - Institution:
Michigan Technological University
My name is Ryan Grady and I am the 2014-15 President of the BoardSport Technologies Enterprise. I have been an active member of BoardSport Technologies for three years. In 2013-14, I was the Snow Team Leader and our team applied engineering, design and testing in developing a lighter and more flexible snowboard.
This year, for my Senior Design Project, I have applied the principles of physics, engineering and materials science into the design, production and manufacturing of the Electric Motor Powered Mountain Board. Working in the BoardSport Technologies Enterprise Program has given me the opportunity to apply what I have learned at Michigan Tech and incorporate it into this project.
I have spent countless hours on these projects and have thoroughly enjoyed every minute.
I will be graduating in the Spring of 2015 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering and a minor in Manufacturing.
Ryan's research projects
Commuting distances between 1 and 5 miles can be expensive when adding costs of parking, gasoline, and vehicle maintenance. Longboards have become a very popular means of transportation among young adults but are at a disadvantage when faced with hills, inclines, or uneven terrain. The Power Board is a green alternative electric vehicle that will tackle all areas the longboard falls short with ease.