Sasha Reed's Profile

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10 years 3 weeks - Website:
I am a scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey and a member of the Southwest Biological Science Center. My research interests are centered within the fields of biogeochemistry and ecosystem ecology. Currently, I study terrestrial ecosystems in Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, California, Colorado, Hawai’i, Puerto Rico, Bolivia, Perú, and Costa Rica. While my study sites and the methods I use are diverse, with each of my projects I strive to determine the dynamic controls over fundamental ecosystem processes with the ultimate goal of providing information to help maintain the desirable features of Earth’s ecosystems in a world that is rapidly changing. Thank you!
Sasha's research projects
Tropical forests contain ~25% of Earth’s terrestrial biomass and exchange more carbon (C) and energy with the atmosphere than any other biome. As such, our poor understanding of how tropical forests will respond to projected increased temperatures severely constrains global predictions.