MTU Blizzard Baja SAE Enterprise
Why This Project Is Important
Michigan Technological University's Blizzard Baja SAE Enterprise Program gives valuable work experience to students involved in a nationally recognized organization. Students work together as a team toward a common goal of achieving first place in National SAE race competitions. The Blizzard Baja enterprise gives students real-world experience working with peers as well as collaborating with engineers in industry to design and build their projects. This experience develops strong teamwork and communication skills in each member to prepare them for their future career. Students also gain experience 3D modeling, machining, welding, simulating, testing and analyzing as they develop their car for competition. This Michigan Tech enterprise program builds students leadership skills as they take on roles such as President, Race Chief, Vehicle Manager, or System Team Leader. Blizzard Baja gives students an opportunity to stand out among their peers as confident, experienced, well-rounded engineers.
Project Description
The 2016 car is on track to be the fastest, most technologically advanced Mini-Baja car to date. It is expected to have the lightest chassis, fastest acceleration and top speed, highest durability, and above all, win first place overall in National Competition. We could be the first team since 2000 to win all three National Competitions and the Mike Schmidt Memorial Iron team award. The sub-projects being developed for this car include the use of extra lightweight materials and electronics unlike those on any Baja car created.
Meet the Researchers

days left
What Your Donation Can Help Us Do:
- Outfit the 2016 car with new shocks. Top of the line shocks are a necessity for the new car and are one of the most expensive parts because of the large amount of suspension travel needed for clearing obstacles at race events.
- Tires are another large expense for the team. To have a competition winning car we need lightweight tires that provide traction in all-terrain conditions. Our team is especially dependent on traction because most of our testing during the school year must be done in icy conditions!
- A Data Aquisition System will allow us to gather real-time dynamic values of load conditions on our 2016 competition car.
- Traveling to 2016 competition is one of the team's largest expenses. Your donation would help pay for travel expenses, including hotels, gas, and competition registration. The 2015 competition registration fees were $1,150 per event!
$1 0 Funders
Thank you letter/email and receipt certifying tax-deductable status of your donation
$50 0 Funders
Name/Company in Sponsors list on the MTU Baja website, plus the above
$100 2 Funders
Michigan Tech Blizzard Baja T-shirt, plus all the above
$500 1 Funder
Name/Company logo on 2016 car competition apparel, plus all the above
$1,000 0 Funders
Name/Company logo on 2016 competition car, plus all the above
Recent Donors
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